Hazard Communication Icon Hazard Communication and Training

Hazard communication is an essential element in the provision of a safe and healthy workplace when handling hazardous chemicals. There are generally five critical elements in a successful hazard communication programme, namely:

  • A written programme
  • Materials inventory
  • Safety Data Sheets
  • Correct labelling
  • Training
Hazard Identification

The hazard communication programme is designed to protect workers from chemical exposure and potential illnesses and injuries by making sure that the workers are given sufficient information to be aware of hazards and how to take necessary protective measures. This is achieved through comprehensive hazard communication and training, which includes material safety data sheets, labels and work training.

It is a legal requirement that every employer who uses any hazardous chemical substance (HCS) have safety data sheets for each substance. These sheets have to comply with ISO 11014 and have to contain accurate information about the chemical.

The requirement for a hazardous chemical substance training programme is described in the Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Training on hazardous compounds is an ongoing process and has to be performed at prescribed intervals. This is to ensure that all employees potentially exposed to HCS are conversant with the hazard posed and the measures to mitigate the risk posed by the exposure.

This training is developed to assist employers in complying with the hazard communication training requirements.

Dr Williams will assist the organisation by:

  • Developing G.H.S. compliant safety data sheets
  • Developing hazard monographs and information leaflets
  • Training the identified employees on hazard identification and risk mitigation


Dr Haidee Williams offers specialist occupational medicine services with an interest in developing evidenced based safety, health and environment policies and programmes. Expertise includes medical examinations, medical adjudication, toxicology, health based risk assessments, hazardous chemical substances, hazard communication and training and guidance on H,S&E legal compliance requirements.


Tel: 087 809 0054
Email: haidee@occupational-medicine.co.za
Twitter: @drhmwilliams